Many people often get a credit card solely for its low-interest rate and high credit limit. While there are people who look at credit cards that way, there are also many others that want to own a credit card simply for its amazing perks and features. This is why the Nationwide credit card is such a good example of a travel credit card that lets you use it for many reasons.
The Nationwide credit card is perfect for travelers and those who want to use their card for other purposes. It has two great introductory offers and worldwide commissions-free purchases that can help you save money on your travels. Apart from that, applying for the card is also easy with its no-obligation eligibility indicator.
If you're interested to learn more about the Nationwide credit card and its features, check out the article below and find out how you can apply for the card as well.
Understanding the Nationwide Credit Card
The Nationwide Member credit card is a credit card that offers great features and benefits. It is a well-rounded credit card that many travelers prefer due to its worldwide commission-free purchases.
This makes it so that purchasing items abroad means you won't be charged extra fees when using the card. The card also offers two very interesting introductory offers depending on whether you want to transfer a balance from one card to another or make new purchases with your card.
You can get as much as 18 months of 0% interest rate on balance transfers or 15 months of 0% interest rates on purchases.
The choice is up to you. Using the Nationwide Member credit card lets you purchase locally or abroad and you can spread the entire costs over several months so you can pay for them on time without blowing your budget.
Tips for Using the Nationwide Credit Card
When using the Nationwide Member credit card abroad, you can use it at almost any establishment. You don't need to worry about charges as the card waives them for you but you will need to be careful with the stores as they have a separate fee for many other transactions.
When choosing the introductory offer, choose the option that suits your needs the best. Either way, you will enjoy 0% interest for a long period which can be the breathing room that you need to help you with your finances.
Check your credit limit before you use the card and you can apply for an increase every six months if you wish to do so. Nationwide will never increase your credit limit without your permission.
Interest Rates and Other Charges
After the introductory offer is done, your interest rate will revert to a variable APR of 19.9% on purchases. You will also need to deal with a cash withdrawal fee of 2.5% of the amount or a minimum charge of £3 when you withdraw cash abroad.
The balance transfer rate is from 19.9% to 24.0% and the balance transfer fee is 1.5% of the amount or a minimum of £5 if made within 90 days of account opening.
After that, it will revert to 2.4% of the amount or a minimum of £5 per transfer. The good thing with the card is that you don't have to pay any membership fee or annual fee to maintain the card in your ownership.
Contact Details
If you need assistance with the application or if you want to learn more about the Nationwide credit card, you can contact them by dialing the number 03456 00 66 11 if you're in the UK or +44 2476 43 89 97 if you're currently abroad.
A representative will be with you to answer all of your queries or provide you with the assistance that you need.
You can also visit their website to learn more about the card or you can visit their main office at Nationwide House, Pipers Way, Swindon SN38 1NW.
A Step-by-Step Guide to Applying for the Nationwide Credit Card
If you're interested in applying for the Nationwide credit card, you can first use the no-obligation eligibility checker to know if you're qualified for the card. You should also need to meet certain requirements to apply for the card.
Applicants must be 18 years or older and must be a permanent UK resident. There should be no more than three missed payments on any credit commitments in the past year and you don't have any other credit card from Nationwide.
You must also be a member of Nationwide Building Society to qualify for the card and lastly, you must have at least a gross income of £5,000. After that, you can proceed with the application steps below.
Step 1
Head over to the official Nationwide website and click on Credit Cards.
It will lead you to the Nationwide Member credit card home page and click on Apply.
Step 2
Fill up the online application form with all of your details and if they ask you to upload certain documents, prepare those documents and upload them.
Most of the time, these documents are documents that contain financial and employment details.
Step 3
Review all of the details as well as the terms and conditions before you submit your application.
You will need to wait a couple of days while they review your application.
Some are immediately notified after application while others can take some time. Be sure to keep your lines open or you can check your email regularly.
Step 4
If you have been approved for the card, you will receive your new Nationwide credit card by mail.
If you have been denied, you can always request to review your application and if they announce that they have reviewed your case and you are still denied, you can always ask them the reasons so you can correct them and reapply after a few months.
The Nationwide credit card is an amazing credit card for members of the Nationwide Building Society. While it may be an exclusive credit card for members only, it is still one of the best credit cards to use abroad for travel or anywhere else in the UK for everyday purchases. Take advantage of the many perks and features of this card and apply for one today!
Note: There are risks involved when applying for and using credit. Consult the bank’s terms and conditions page for more information.